“Its changed the way we clean and disinfect at home, and I’m 100 per cent confident it will do the same for you too, especially if you’re a busy working Mama like me who has a toddler who has way, way too many toys! The product is B-Sanitized, which is a one-step solution for disinfecting, sanitizing and cleaning all in one!“ View post here.
“I try not to be too obsessive about cleanliness even with Faith around, as I believe that a little grit helps build immunity. But when the time comes to really sanitise the spaces we live in, such as when F and my hubby were hit with the horrid HFMD, I go all SWAT team and use B Sanitized from @ourlifestyleshop for an easy way to sanitise everything in one simple step.”
“Keep all the surfaces in the car germ bacteria and mould free! This is super easy to use cos it sprays upwards and no dripping all over the fingers. Also safe for pets and kids!” Click here to read more.
“It’s very simple: Unlatch the quick release fogger, place the can in the middle of the room (with all the windows closed) and then leave the room with the door closed. Return to a disinfected and germ-free room one hour later.”
“With two children, it is also really handy to have B-Sanitized to chase off the bugs that linger around the house. Young children are known to be least hygienic, and in our home, it is not uncommon to have mucus smeared onto various surfaces (yuck but yes).”
“Am more conscious of sanitizing our home and our hands now that Sophie is here for her immune system is still relatively new in our big human world. Having the can of B-Sanitized™ around within reach sure is nifty.”